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My name is Sea, and I am a second year English and History student at Durham University in the UK. Previously, I attended Regent's International School Bangkok until 2014, and spent the rest of my high school career at Harrow International School Bangkok. 


Graduating high school in 2019



During Sixth Form, I became involved in MUN because I really enjoy public speaking and debate. I chaired for two conferences, both times in the Human Rights Committee, and went to five as a delegate. 


I also was part of the committee to organise an MUN conference for FOBISIAMUN2017. I took on the role of Head of Technology whilst also chairing at the conference. My role included building and designing the website, and setting up all the equipment (projectors, sound equipment, etc.) in both the main conference and the general assembly. Here is a link to the website I designed for the conference:



Throughout high school, I managed to meet a grand total of two people with the same reading tastes as me, neither of whom I was close to. So to try and find a community of book lovers, I started a book club in year 12 which ran until I graduated. It was a relatively small community but I still cherish it as it gave me an hour outside of the busy schedule I had to be able to read guilt free every week. I don't think I would have been able to read throughout my a levels if it wasn't for this book club. 


When I was younger, I believed I was going to become a computer science major at University College Cork, (I know, major change). This is because I love coding (I still do) and I really thrived in IGCSE Computer Science. I really loved the coursework side of it and getting to build up a whole program from scratch. 


Despite this, towards the end of my IGCSEs and the beginning of my A Levels, I realised that I really, really hate maths. I didn't just dislike maths, I dreaded the thought of going to maths class everyday despite it being my best skill, so it was pretty clear that computer science was not for me. However, I also realised about the same time that I adored English Literature. I love everything that comes with it.


At the risk of sounding like a cliche, I've loved reading for as long as I remember. I was that kid that read Harry Potter in year 6 and carried books around everywhere with me. The English Literature workload didn't seem as daunting as all the other aspects just because I loved the texts we studied. 



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